smart lending guides for decision making

Comprehensive Lending Guide Bookmark Site

Debt Relief Tools

tools for helping you make the right home equity lending decision

print: debt relief
map (pdf)

loan amortization worksheet (excel)
print: bank equity
specifications (pdf)

check your credit report

debt analysis

debt-to-income ratio calculation monthly payment calculator
debt consolidation worksheet
how much you can borrow for consolidation

tax publications and forms (links jump to IRS)
home owner mortgage interest deduction travel, entertainment and auto expenses
tax information for first-time home owners tax benefits for education
business use of your home residential rental properties

consumer protection information (links jump to
information about abusive lending practices privacy information and information sharing
about credit based products and credit scams e-Commerce and the Internet
money-related resource information other consumer-related issues

from federal reserve library (links jump to federal reserve library)
ABCs of figuring interest regulations that protect consumers
facts about banking credit guide
controlling interest Points of Interest (How Interest Rates Work)

Debt Consolidation Application

Calculators - tools