Managing Your Loan:Paying Your Mortgage Payment On-time |
It is extremely important that you make your mortgage payment on time - everytime - each month for the amount required.
1. Get Automated Draft:
2. Automated Bill Payment:
3. PC Bill Pay:
4. Professional Bill Payment Services:
Managing Your Mortgage:Quick Mortgage Payoff Plans |
1. FAST Payoff Plan:
2. Get a Shorter Term:
3. Pay a Little Extra Each Month:
4. Use Accelerated
(Bimonthly) Payments:
5. Feeling
Managing Your Mortgage:Avoiding Foreclosure |
If you repeatedly fail to make your mortgage payment on time,
You will want to avoid foreclosure proceedings.
Tip: Discuss Your Situation with Your Lender:
Tip: Sell Your Home to Protect Your Investment:
Tip: Seek Credit Counseling:
Tip: Have Your Lender Sell Your Home:
Tip: Beware of foreclosure scams:
Managing Your Mortgage:My Mortgage Has Been Sold |
Lenders sale mortgages all the time.
Another purchaser of mortgage loans are large banking institutions
In any event, nothing changes for you. Your mortgage terms, payments, interest rate, etc., remain the same.
You have a 60-day grace period to make any change of address in forwarding your payments.